I thought I was over that whole ordeal. You know, the one where a random person slammed into the back of my car while we’re all going full speed on the interstate and just took off. I spent quite a while both angry at the world and a little fearful about when it was going to happen to me again. Eventually, I relaxed and accepted that driving in traffic is nothing more than travelling through a large sewer pipe with pieces of shit flowing all around you. I got back to feeling sorry that these pathetics were stressing themselves out over nothing. I had moved on.
But, people are going to be people. I came out of the mall the other day and saw someone had been messing with my car. The passenger-side mirror was rotated inward partially. However, that wasn’t the first thing that I noticed. The first thing I noticed was the driver-side mirror was rotated right the fuck off the door and was dangling by its power cable.
My rage passed through me pretty quickly. I briefly considered kicking in the door of the truck beside me, since their door could have broken off my mirror, but reconsidered for a few reasons. First, it’s unlikely someone would bust off the mirror of the car beside them and continue to stick around. Second, it didn’t look like there was damage on their door consistent with the scenario. Finally, what good would it do? Seeing that the other mirror was fucked around with made it more likely it was just a roving gang of teen punks. You just can’t have anything nice anymore. Respect for others’ property? Ha!
What can you do in a case like that? After I cut off the mirror and was carrying it to the trunk like a cephalophore (your word for the day), the guy who owned the truck next to me – who fortunately did not have his door kicked in by an angry child – showed up. He had just gotten there about five minutes before, but didn’t notice anything amiss. Probably just unobservant. He suggested going back to the mall and asking for security cam footage. Yeah, that’ll help. “Oh we know those guys! We have them in our address book. We’ll send the cops to their house again now.” Another victimless crime for them, another mild annoyance for the rich guy with the nice car.
On the positive side (if there is one), it’s not going to cost me as much as I was expecting. A new set of mirrors is like $90. Might as well get both to ensure they are perfectly matched. Not sure how much it will be to paint them, but it shouldn’t be much. The mirrors did need repainted anyway since they had lots of chips from road gravel and whatnot. At least this is something I don’t have to get insurance involved with.
“Hi, Progressive. Yeah, it’s me again. Haha, yeah, yeah, I know. Hey, guess what happened this time? You won’t believe it”
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