As far as I can tell, this is a shit year for everyone, and I don’t mean that in a blanket sort of way. It seems everyone is getting dinged here and there very specifically. I mean, yeah, there’s this global thing going on that everyone is getting hit by, but some people are getting hit by it in a more direct way, or in an absolute direct way.
But that’s not everything that’s going on. All the other things, whether minor, major, or catastrophic, are happing, too. And some are direct and some are specific. I certainly don’t want to classify whatever things I’ve been having happen to me as the same as someone who’s been through more than one of the, what, 30+ tropical storms this year, or wildfires, or earthquakes, or god knows what else. But with everything that has been happening and we still have a month and half left to go in the year, I’m just out of fucks.
My gripes as of lately, as I’ve implied, are minor. They’re just annoyances, but in a year where all you hear about is shit, it’s enough. A flat tire here, internet going down multiple times after years and years and years of rock-solid stability. It just seems like everything is coming to an end. Maybe I wouldn’t have even given those issues a second thought in another year, but there is no good news to really balance it out. Everything is bad.
And now we have half the country pissed off they can’t be as openly racist as they want and the other half is pissed that the other half exists.
I don’t even know where I was going with this post, but it’s relevant to the times.
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