As I mentioned with my new MP3 (phone) player, a lot of my music had no album cover art. Now I’ve heard, but can’t confirm, that Windows Groove Music uses cover art stored in the files, so I’m doing another round of metadata cleanup. This time, I’m embedding the album cover art into the files.
I had resisted this for a while, because I didn’t want my library size to balloon. But, considering each song file is somewhere around 25MB, what’s another 100kb on top of that? Plus, it should ensure that I never have to go hunting for album art ever again, because the art is always in the files.
Well, the deal is, there’s some album art that’s not all that easy to find and some that’s in poor quality. So, as I made my way though the albums, I had to do a few scans along the way and post them to my Flickr account for posterity.
This will be a never ending cycle, I’m sure. Right now, my album art is 500×500 on average. Soon (sooner than I expect, I’m sure), the standard will be 800×800, then 1200×1200, then on and on.
The next thing will be embedding artist images in the files, because that will be used for a future utility I have kicking around in my head right now. We’ll see how that goes along.
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